Friday, December 20, 2013

day 20 - reunited

Sitting, waiting, wishing...

for a drum duet, apparently. 

Here's to a great weekend and 12 work-free days. 

Thursday, December 19, 2013

day 19 - thirsty thursday

Got to grab dinner with my brother-in-law for Thirsty Thursday tonight. We missed his fiancée (!), but TheBoy enjoyed some time with his uncle. And I was impressed with the amount he knew about the details of the upcoming wedding.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

day 18 - holiday extravaganza

TheBoy's first school holiday concert was tonight. 

Adorableness all around.

TheBoy was able to give one gift to a friend, but mostly it was just craziness after the show. He'll pass them out at school tomorrow. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

day 17 - touch it tuesday

I wanted to use tonight to make gifts for TheBoy's preschool classmates and decided play dough would be simple enough. We used this recipe (the one we use all the time, the one I remember using when I was younger). We added peppermint extract into some of it, and glitter into all of it. (My apologies to TheInLaws for all the glitter we'll be finding well into 2014.)

I looked everywhere for small plastic containers with lids, but couldn't find anything good (read: small and cheap), so I opted for snack bags and these cute take-out containers I picked up at Michael's.

The not-so-simple part was that we ended up needing three batches to have enough to go around - two batches more than I really planned on/left time for tonight. So TheBoy helped make all the batches, but only added glitter to, bag, and box one batch - leaving the rest for me to do after bedtime. Whoops.

But worth it. He's going to love handing these out tomorrow at the Holiday Extravaganza.

Monday, December 16, 2013

day 16 - make it monday

Tonight, we advented about Advent. TheBoy's preschool class is putting together a scrapbook, with a page from each family about their holiday traditions. 

TheBoy and I looked through some old photos and chose which ones to include. Not bad for his first homework assignment. 

Sunday, December 15, 2013

day 15 - nativity

I really love this Nativity I found on Etsy last year. Makes up for the fact that I passed on the Playmobil nativity I saw at Barnes & Noble a few weeks ago (maybe next year...).

Yes, he continues to refer to Jesus as "Her." And, yes, it is set up in front of Harry Potter. That's what we call winning Christmas. And that's why I'll say a prayer that my more conservative friends and family are not actually reading this. 

Saturday, December 14, 2013

day 14 - whatever will be, will be

Going along with this week's apparent theme of things-not-going-quite-as-planned, tonight did not go as planned. Because of the storm, and it being kind of a long day here, we chose to stay home from the Messiah Sing.

Instead, we headed out for dinner...

and hot chocolate.

And then headed home and snuggled in to bed to watch How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Worked for us.